Another allendale alleyway complaint - they are permitted to begin construction at 7:00 AM as per bylaw, but that doesn’t stop them from showing up at 6:30 AM listening to loud ass music in their cars.
Submitted by Riley on Monday, Sep 16, 2024
On Wednesday, Sept 11, 2024, at about 3:30pm, we were outside 9817- 266 St. Acheson AB subway. I was sitting in my Van (foot injury) and my wife had gone inside to get subs and rice bowl for both of us. As I was waiting in my van, this indian may be Punjabi guy with his white driver, gave me very dirty look as they passed in front of my van. The Punjabi guy moved from his seat to give me hawkish look and constant intimidating stare and then same thing driver did but with little subdued manner. I don't even know these guys. These deford guys especially the Punjabi represent company for which they work for. I know indian Punjabis have bad habit of staring at their own kind to degrade others if they themselves are at higher positions and they are upper caste, but that was too much from these disrespect guys. I also have my own business though my van is lirtle rusted. I hope indian Punjabi learn some manners and attiqiates and be civilized a bit.
Submitted by D K on Friday, Sep 13, 2024
Had the privilege working with Deford! Amazing contractor that goes above and beyond on all jobs I seen and associates with! From what I seen they really take the time to train there employees the right way! I dealt with the base, milling, and paving division and are always on time or ahead of schedule! Thank you for ur help this year and glad I was able to help you guys as well!
Submitted by Mathew Nicoli on Tuesday, Sep 03, 2024
We are having our alleys restored in Allendale. Deford Contracting is doing the work. Having semi retired from the construction industry, I have seen that Deford has super crews. They work hard and are polite to the residents. Two fellas that are ultra deserve are the foremen are Rick Smith and Mason Bergersen. They are very dedicated to their work. It seems they are working all over the district in rain and shine. These are super workers for sure. All the other workers indeed deserve kudos for their work and and how to get along with residents also. Thank you Deford!!!! PS , Heather, and the higher ups, I hope that all will be giving kudos for their efforts for the crews. Well done Deford! :)
Submitted by B on Friday, Aug 30, 2024
Day 1 of alleyway construction in Allendale and your workers are already causing disruptions. Nobody needs or wants to listen to some hot head swearing and yelling when they should be working who after being told to shut up, calls the cops and makes up a story about something that didn't actually happen. Maybe if your guys actually shut up and worked for a change a one month project wouldn't take two months. Edited to add that management lies when they say they will switch crews to get the trouble maker off your job and we now get to endure said trouble maker giving us the finger from the cab of his machine and smiling because he knows he got away with lying. Way to keep it classy Deford and hire appropriate individuals for residential work.
Submitted by Theresa Loehde on Monday, Aug 19, 2024
These guys can park wherever they want and block traffic. Big old parking lot right beside him and he has to park in the lane way.
Submitted by Harris Mandy on Friday, Jul 12, 2024
Company should ensure they hire the appropriate drivers. Ensuring the load is secure is day #1 training. Having large rocks blow all over the yellowhead due to unsecured load is not right. Gotta love faulty training for a damaged windshield. Avoid the company at all costs if this is how they handle safety concerns.
Submitted by Conor Megaffin on Wednesday, Nov 22, 2023