Submitted by Bunjiman on 07/08/2024
A company that appears to care very little about the safety of the residents with which they share a road. Many private cars speed down Turnpike Road which is residential with a 30mph limit, but by far the most common offender is CG Utilities. With the exception of one or two older drivers who I regularly see driving at 30mph, the rest of the firm seem to be made up of young men with no respect for the size of vehicle they're driving or the length of time it would take to stop if a child ran out in front of them after a ball, no concern regarding pedestrians, parked cars or other road users as they career down the road often at more than 60mph swerving in and out of parked cars or forcing their way through past oncoming traffic who have the right of way, sometimes even racing each other. They are often seen on their mobile phones not even checking the road in front of them and speeding at the same time, it is no wonder the other lady who has posted on here was hit from behind, the way this company is represented by their drivers, even in their own neighborhood is simply appalling. Why can't they follow the footsteps of more conscientious firms and install trackers and limiters with company penalties on their staff who disregard public safety?! CG the residents of Turnpike Road are fed up with your behavior, sort it out!
Driver of WN19MVG parked in disabled bay ASDA swindon 23/08/24. no disability and told to shut up when asked if they were ok. disgusting employees
Submitted by Ad 3yk on 08/23/2024
Lower Stratton just off Delamere Drive. Arrived about 10am this morning and have finally left 10 minutes ago. Constant pumping (?) noise for the duration of time they were here and lights flashing through on my living room wall. I have a child at home from school unwell & a 6 week old baby. Prior notice would have been nice considering the drain is right at the foot of my garden path.
Submitted by Laura Francis on 01/04/2024
So for last 3 weeks we've had the pavements dug up round where I live and no sign of any workmen what so ever and today of all days with it being at Saturday they decide to start work at 7.30am...and no number to contact to complain about it unbelievable if you ask me
Submitted by Phil Rowland on 08/12/2023
07 July driving home on Marlow road when a CG Utilities vehicle crashed into me, from what I could see, the driver was on his phone. I was told his manager would coordinate things and to date, not only do I have aches from the incident, I'm still waiting to hear from them & the insurance company - disgraceful company and can see why the reviews on various platforms are poor!
Image below is of the vehicle which crashed into me
Submitted by Gurpreet Kalsi on 07/27/2023