Submitted by Luis Zuniga on 09/07/2024
I'm starting orientation on the 16th the all process with the recruiter was really good treat me with respect and understand when I told her I was in the Army Reserve hopefully they respect it after I start driving for them. I Will give an update after I been with the company for a month.
The company lost its freight contract and refused to notify its drivers . Had to find out from the actual contract holder that we no longer have freight with them. Poor management . This is illegal and out right wrong . People have families. You call the office and they play phone tag and send you to voicemails then say contact your dispatch who then says contact the office. Drivers have been without work for days on end forced to use vacation time . Own up to what’s going on and admit that you have fumbled the contract . Pay your drivers what is due . And don’t ask me to send information to that email address you post under all the reviews. You all know exactly what’s going on at this company. You just want to know who’s writing the review to some way or form retaliate . Not going to happen
Submitted by God’s Remnant on 08/20/2024
One of the drivers of this company ruined our yard after being told they couldn’t turn around due to the yard being wet. No one is responding from the company number we were told to call. Now we have this mess to deal with!
Submitted by Chelsea on 06/30/2024
Was debating on leaving a review or not, but after reading through others I've decided I should.
DO NOT run for this company hauling ANYTHING they need tarped. If you run dedicated they expect you to use old falling apart tarps. Then they'll make you drive in hazardous weather conditions against your better judgement, followed by firing you when said tarp/tarps rip in strong winds.
I have pictures of tarps tied together with twine on multiple occasions we were expected to use. You were LUCKY to be able to find a replacement tarp that was in better condition.
Even if you have copious amounts of proof that it was caused by flimsy equipment,tarps, or weather. They refuse to take any blame, and instead leave a blemish on your perfect trucking record.
Oh and, about getting fired, they give you no notice, and don't reimburse you for the trip back home after dropping the truck off at their yard. All you get is what the cost of a bus ticket is, but if you have to buy a rental to travel 500 miles home, because you can't carry EVERYTHING you had in your truck on a bus, you'll be lucky to get half of the money you spent back.
On top of that, the trucks STAY broken down. You'll be lucky to receive more than 2 days of breakdown pay. We were broken down for a little more than 2 weeks once, and only received TWO DAYS.
Another note, some of the dispatchers at this company should NOT be working with people. They lack any empathy. Had a death in the family and was told to "cry in the truck". (I have a screenshot of the text). That was just one instance of cold behavior, there were a lot.
53CPM isn't worth the hell you'll go through here.
I could go on, but I've wasted enough time on this company as is.
EDIT: I have no interest in emailing you. You know what you need to know. Do better, replace your dedicated tarps in Georgetown SC. Take some accountability for not replacing tarps when multiple people on the same account complained.
Dispatcher in question is Mary BTW.
Submitted by Ashbash on 05/20/2024
I'm home with Montgomery Transport LLC , from the driver's to even the safety man Jason, we are all a pleasure to work with. They treat their drivers as well as their own family, if not better. For any potential flatbed applicants, I suggest checking out Club 34 for some exercise ? to keep a long , healthy , safe career ahead of you.
Submitted by Keith Benson on 08/20/2023