Submitted by Lynn Wine on 09/19/2024
Thanks for fixing the pot holes on Remount.
They were responsive to my concern regarding the lack of pedestrian markings at a busy intersection frequented by handicapped persons interacting with the Metro. I'm only giving them two stars because it took three phone calls to reach someone who took ownership of the problem.
Submitted by Gerhard Langguth on 07/24/2023
Shout out to the North Little Rock Street Department. I reported a tree limb down in our street due to high wind and thunderstorms. They were out and had the limb cut up and removed from the street in less than half an hour from my call. Great service. Another reason I love NLR.
Submitted by D Dollar on 07/21/2023
I called in about some potholes on my street and they were fixed this afternoon. That's pretty prompt.
Submitted by P Butler on 06/03/2021
I had a broken toe and had to walk with a cane. this guy watched me carry two different items to the electronic drop off before offering to help grab the last one as i was half way there, but had the time to sit there and watch me walk in the trailer the first time and yell at me not to do that but just set it on the edge of the trailer.
Submitted by Justin Grantham on 09/12/2020
To the group of workers that were street painting on North Hills Blvd-
I’m for sure that I’m OWED an apology!!
I pulled out and those MEAN/hateful employees of the city I live in...they were screaming and I’m a woman- better NOT!!
I’m calling someone and will make sure it wouldn’t happen again!!
I’m a grown woman-
You had me in tears and kept flipping me off-
I was verbally assaulted by a large group of employees of my city!!!
Submitted by My Google Account on 10/08/2019
Immediately on the job... satisfied
Submitted by Jimmy Little on 09/18/2019