We live in downtown Phoenix and about 3 yrs ago this construction company has decided to build across the street from us. It’s taken this company 3 yrs to build a small apt complex, their construction workers are rude to the neighborhood and they work loudly at 4am (could be illegal) on the weekends and during the week. They are so slow at building this complex it’s almost laughable. Our neighborhood is sick of them. What a nuisance this company is when they come around your city. After reading reviews they also build cheap complexes?! Shameful. All in the name of money. Gross. After experiencing this god-awful construction , we really do dislike this company and construction workers altogether. Thanks for nothing!
Submitted by Kristin Payestewa-Picazo on Saturday, May 25, 2024
Worst construction group. It took 2 years for this company to build a small apt. complex. Workers don’t care about their environment, they use a bullhorn at 4am and their construction is a nuisance to parking. If you see AR Mays construction coming thru, GTFO!
Submitted by K P on Tuesday, Mar 19, 2024
A.R. Mays is a great place to work, the employees are awesome and will take care of you. The opportunity to grow is amazing!
Submitted by Jonathon Crucitt on Friday, Mar 08, 2024
Completely lackluster, full of promises that can never be met, big talk with a false sense of grandeur. Meanwhile you can watch them cut corners, make excuses, and prove they do not know what they're doing. When you pay for this company to build for you, you're paying for a lack of knowledge, diligence, integrity, as well as all the lies. Feel free to conclude your own opinion, in mine I look at their website to see what buildings I would never set foot in for fear of my safety.
Submitted by Em on Wednesday, Feb 15, 2023
Updating review in context of management response. Employee parking company equipment in a clearly designated parking spot is absolutely an issue of professionalism and appropriate to document. Potential clients can read and determine whether they consider this relevant, I would want to know if a contractor either can't read signs or doesn't care to follow instructions. Original review: Integrity is what you do when you think no one is watching. Parked gas truck in clearly labeled EV charging spot overnight on July 19, 2022 in Indio, CA. No way of knowing if this contactor is inconsiderate or unaware. There were plenty of open parking spaces in the lot, within 20 ft of this spot, including 2 spaces over. I couldn't charge overnight as planned because this truck. The open space next to it is handicap, so in fairness at least the driver was willing to walk 1 more space to respect well labeled parking spot. I wouldn't hire a contractor that is either completely unaware of surroundings and doesn't pay attention to clear signs OR is intentionally inconsiderate of others & couldn't be bothered to park 2 spots further from the door so that EVs can use equipment that is obvious to see at a spot that was clearly labeled.
Submitted by Chad H on Friday, Sep 02, 2022