Responsible for nearly burning down a whole town.... 60+ families lost their homes. "River Fire" began at a campground CLM is contracted by our county to manage. No Campfires or fireworks allowed all summer season and somehow these idiots allowed an entire forest to go up in flames. BEWARE
Submitted by A D on Friday, Aug 06, 2021
We had a great time hosting for CLM in Colorado. All the staff were great to work with. We were busy all summer long. We got free space rent and full hookups plus an hourly wage. We saved up our pay to cover our expenses for the rest of the year. We would definitely do it again. Some days we worked longer hours but then other days when we were less busy we worked fewer hours. Its great to host if you have a partner to split up the duties with. Our site Manager Tina was awesome. Really supportive and responsive to our needs.
Submitted by Amy Johnson on Tuesday, Oct 06, 2020
This was our 1st time hosting, and our 1st time in Colorado. The team we worked with was great and very responsive to all of our concerns and questions. Thank you Tina and Jake as well as your counterparts Charlie and Chilla. This was a bizaare year with covid 19 and the park's packed almost 100% of the time. Our bosses, and the local sheriff, were great to work with. As well as the leader Shia who came out and made a personal visit and a appreciation luncheon and gave us all pats on the back. We went into this with our eyes open, some sites were given full hookups like ours, and other sites only partial hookups, as far as hosts goes. And the hours did seem long but if you schedule yourself the way they require, it works out to be about 6 hours A-day. As a couple you just have to work separate shifts to get the full coverage. On a side note about the negative comments, keep them up because that means we'll have an opening next year for us to work again.
Submitted by Matt Johnson on Monday, Oct 05, 2020
If only there were negative stars. Attention Camp Hosts, STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY! We are the typical retired couple trying out camp hosting. We have done it in 3 places: Naples Florida, Mt. Hood (managed by CLM) and Washington State parks. By far, the hardest, most miserable experience was “working/volunteering” for CLM. Nothing they promised was delivered, and to add insult to injury, they have turned over the whole operation to a straight up bully. Upon calling the owner, Janice Mart to inform her why we ( the fifth host to leave there because of their management this) she offered a weak, “I’ll look into it” and then they just never paid us for all the miles we were required to supply our gas and truck for, nor did they Deposit our pay check as our signed paperwork instructed. Instead, the check has sat on that manager’s desk for 10 days. (Guess she showed us!) Apparently, Managers do not need to follow the guidelines, anything goes for them and the hard working staff are thrown under the bus. The week before the USDA showed up to inspect the forest to determine if they will renew their 10 YEAR contract, the management finally hired a homeless young couple to go around and try and clean up the trash, fix the broken signs and they did so along the known inspection path the Forest Service would inspect. They were compensated $11 per hour and a spot where they could put their mattress on the ground and live under a tarp. So many tales, so little time. Just know that working for or volunteering for CLM will NOT be a good experience for you. Brent Hall
Submitted by Christine Hall on Tuesday, Aug 13, 2019
Horrible place to work they lore you in with free hooks up but wants you to work 10hrs and clock in for 8. I did not appreciate not getting paid so they let me go with no explanation, kim,tommy and Michelle run the business the way the want and if u have any problems with it they just terminate you. Very sneaky and shady company ruined my first experience camp Hosting.
Submitted by Lucifer DeFeo on Friday, Jun 28, 2019