Submitted by Mary Fetzer on 06/28/2024
The drivers give the place a bad name do better
Great people. Great service.
Submitted by Michael Cruser on 08/29/2023
Great company, great dispatchers, money and benefits are good. I've been there for over 3 years. Some people who wrote a negative post were there for less than a month and had car troubles and didn't want to work. I would suggest this place to anyone. But, it's not a scheduled position. You work on the customer needs. If they need product at 0200, that is when we need to make the delivery.
Submitted by Brian Lamar on 08/23/2023
These reviews below are questionable. Not sure who's doing the math here but whatever they are advertising you can make, take that and just cut that in half to get the real numbers for driver pay. I was promised the same thing but was nowhere near what they claim. Just ask yourself, why are they always hiring drivers if they pay so well. Lots of favoritism to go around though. The equipment is well maintained but in my opinion unsafe due to the way the trucks are spec. When I press the accelerator I expect to go right away not 3 seconds after pressing it. Also if you do decide to hire on with them just know the sensitive shop manager is more valuable than any driver and the Pinocchio dispatcher Doug, lies with so much ease he must have been a use car salesman in the past. The owner is a great guy but it is others on his staff that are the problem with this company. Know that doing everything right and making all your deliveries on time means nothing as soon as someone 's feelings get hurt and you too will be out the door. Just trying to save you some time and grief!
Submitted by Artm on 05/19/2023
Great bunch of people there. Very friendly great customer service
Submitted by Mike Green on 08/27/2014