As of this writing, I am in my sixth month with the architecture group. The work environment here is incredibly collaborative, friendly, mature and supportive. The combined intelligence in our studio is unreal and that's why our projects are so good-- people don't just sit at their desks doing their own thing, there are constantly folks gathered around tables or screens, forging something wonderful. From drawings to specifications to Construction administration, there's 40 hands on every job and each one cares about quality and results. I thought for sure there would be a major downside, or some other shoe that drops, but there just isn't, I've been really happy here.
Submitted by Crystal Kent on Friday, Sep 08, 2023
American Structurepoint is working on a road extension in Porter County. They made a simple mistake. Instead of owning up to it...they lied. And kept lying and are still lying. They had a VP sit in front of 150 of my community members and lied about emergency services.
Submitted by Andrew Hardesty on Thursday, Apr 20, 2023
I worked for American Structurepoint for 3 years. They are a great company full of great people. I look forward to working for them in the future when they expand in my area with a division in my field of work. I was and still am proud to say I worked for such a great company. The way they lead with a professional outlook and just an all out caring attitude is awesome. They have always taken the time to let communities know of upcoming projects that we will be working on in the area which build a relationship even before I get there to perform the work. Can't say enough about everything they do to reach out for disaster relief efforts and to something as small as a local family and definitely always there to help a family of an employee or the employee themselves.
Submitted by Brandon Kelley on Saturday, Feb 15, 2020
American Structurepoint was paid approximately $100,000.00 to evaluate the feasibility of wind farms in Henry County. Their findings were that it would not be a good area for them for several reasons, the chief one being that the majority of the citizens who responded to their survey stated that they didn't want them near their homes. When the county officials pressured Structurepoint to change the report to say what they, and the wind companies, wanted it to say, they caved to the pressure. Shame on you for taking our tax dollars and then throwing us under the bus.
Submitted by Marian Helms on Tuesday, Dec 05, 2017
As a near- lifelong resident of Henry County I am very disappointed with American StructurePoint's stance on wind power in the comprehensive plan for our county. The August preliminary draft submitted by American Structure Point stated wind turbine power was NOT a good fit for this county. However, In Oct. the final draft was submitted in which Structurepoint made a complete 180 degree turn stating wind turbine power was a definite option for this county. It is apparent that the only view that matters to American Stucture Point is from the governmental body that is signing the check. I would say paying the bill, but the Henry County taxpayers are footing the $100,000 bill. One would think that opinions from those County Officials with signed conflicts of interest would be taken with a grain of salt, since they have a financial interest in Wind Turbines coming to the county.
Submitted by Bobbi Plummer on Tuesday, Dec 05, 2017