Fantastic people to deal with they know their stuff they will show you different styles different kinds if you have a question they'll answer if they don't they got someone that will answer it quality cabinets to if you look at them they've got all different prices and all different styles and all different quality so someone tells you they got cheap cabinets there they didn't they just bought one of the cheaper models and told someone that because they've got good quality kitchen famous brands around and some of them even made in Indiana give him a chance going and look are you going to waste your time and you're going to say plenty of dimes
Submitted by David Drake on Saturday, Jun 04, 2022
Decent prices if you’re alright with rude service. Not worth it to me. Woman at the desk, April, is disgustingly rude and lazy. The only people in that place that treat you like a person are the guys in the warehouse. Woman at the desk needs to be fired. To the owners: I know you are good, respectable business people, but your choice in employee is hurting your business. Will not be back.
Submitted by Almega Enterprises on Thursday, Aug 12, 2021
Staff was rude. We thought the store closed at 6. It closed at 4:00. EXACTLY AT 4:00. We arrived at 3:50 and were told we would have to come back. They were not allowed ANY OVERTIME. So, they were unable to walk to the other side of the room to tell me if the sale was reflected in price list. Don’t bother.
Submitted by Lisa Hunt on Monday, Apr 09, 2018