Submitted by Denegren on 01/23/2024
Great group of people to work with and excellent service as always! Thanks for quick delivery of our sand!
Sure do like all the pits in my windshield from yet another trucker excessively exceeding the speed limit. I wish Wichita would regulate the trucking speeds on the main highways and require massive mud flaps. It’s absurd at this point. I’m likely to add windshield repair to my monthly bills. Ridiculous.
Submitted by Nick Streit on 09/14/2023
One of your drivers put my life at risk on the highway today. I have a wife and two kids to get home to. - edit- someone got back to me later that day apologizing had the GPS and film pulled and saying it would be taken care of. Thank you! Very professional!
Submitted by Michael on 12/08/2022
Buffie, is one of thee most kind hearted people I have ever met in this line of hard work. Hoffman is going to be highly recommended because of this hard working individual. Thank you for keeping me posted on everything throughout the delivery. - Davin Williams Midway Logistics
Submitted by Davin Williams on 09/02/2021
The lady that runs this place is one of the most solid individuals you'll ever meet and let me tell you what you better not try to give her no guff cuz she ain't going to take it.. best storage facility in South Wichita as well...
Submitted by Joel Taborsky on 04/02/2021