Submitted by Ron Stephens on 11/24/2020
It was extremely excellent! The Service was outstanding, the people were very pleasant and knowledgeable. I would recommend them for any type of electrical testing or other equipment needs.
Submitted by Aaron Jones on 04/15/2019
Everyone at this location is always so helpful anytime I come in or call they always go out of there way to answer my question and they are very knowledgeable of their products they sale ,also it makes it very nice to call in and hear a friendly voice on the other end of the line the lady who answers the phone is always helpful .Thank you Ced for great service to Lexington,ky and the surrounding counties
Submitted by Angie on 08/29/2017
Never failed to have materials I needed
Submitted by Bchancey Eugene on 07/20/2017
Their PLC staff is excellent and helpful
Submitted by Burl Fannin on 08/12/2016