I like this business, nicely paved. don't blame them for natural wear and tear of roads. A road's life is short, only lasts about 4 months, then it needs to be repaved. They are great!
Submitted by Oriana Bonilla-Medina on Wednesday, Feb 08, 2023
Whoever is responsible for paving needs to be fired. Be sure to give these guys a call you want your local road to be similar to those in rural India. Also, is it necessary to drive a dump truck 50 mph through a residential neighborhood?
Submitted by Martin T on Thursday, Jul 21, 2022
Clearly this is a company that relies on state contracts, and well lucky MA is a blue state ??♀️. In all honesty I’m lucky if I can hang a curtain but these guys cannot be qualified in paving, maybe stick to hammers and nails? Driving down main st is like riding the white roller coaster at canobie lake, you have a TBI when you get to the end. Oh and I get the joy to live on main st, nothing like a jack hammer at midnight.
Submitted by Amanda Avery on Monday, Jun 27, 2022
Poorest excuse for paving job on Main Street in Walpole, as a fellow construction worker I cannot believe the job that these donkeys left and it continues to happen day after day after day. As to MDR‘s logo “what’s next” how about re-pave the road!
Submitted by Adam Doherty on Friday, Apr 22, 2022
This company is a disaster and not qualified to be a vendor of the State. It is disgusting and unsafe to travel Main St. Walpole while they are present. Whoever awarded them this job is not an intelligent person. The decline of America wins this award!!!
Submitted by Madeline Eysie on Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022