Submitted by Thomas Smith on 04/30/2022
There's definitely messengers of God in this facility not kidding. You will agree with me that there's always a message that applies, lessons to be learned, and a high vibration of the holy spirit in this place. I am a member of this church and recommend everyone to attend at least one service to feel and understand what I'm talking about. ❤️❤️??????
There's a reason it's called "the love room". The word of God is preached without hesitation. Helping you feel good is not the mission, helping you live right is.
Submitted by Cheryl Holmes on 07/08/2024
Thee best church that I know of and I am a member still an I have been to several churches in and out of state.
Submitted by Sabrina Nance on 04/13/2024
Bishop Melvin and TCHB is the family I needed. They care about you and will support you. There is love here and the true Word of God is preached! If you want truth it’s definitely here.
Submitted by Nailah Jefferson on 04/27/2023
As a visitor, I was amazed by the intimacy and love from Bishop Melvin. This is an amazing place of worship. Thank you Nailah for inviting me and I plan on coming here for a service to hear Bishop Melvin again. This place has so much love for people and the community.
Submitted by Bryan Babcock on 04/27/2023