The driver in this photo needs to lose more than just his work truck. As the photo clearly states the speed limit is only 55. This driver decided he wants to fly up on me at Mach 6, tailgate me, and speed around cutting me off. 1 star for the recklessness towards everybody's wellbeing.
Submitted by Thomas Prout on Thursday, Jun 13, 2024
This is the best company to work for and to work with. We have the portfolio, qualifications, moreover professionalism in giving customers great service and experience.
Submitted by Francesco Zhu on Monday, Oct 16, 2023
Great company to work for,they care about the safety of the employees and our well being!
Submitted by Dam You on Wednesday, Aug 23, 2023
Someone needs to be checking these peoples phones for filthy pics. So unprofessional on a business phone. Also why are the people with trucks running all over all weekend. Not all jobs work weekends. Nice company but they have their guys if your not one of them to BAD!!! What company has their employees on inagram and telegraph for on job communication. Nothing but trouble!
Submitted by Kay Roeske on Tuesday, Sep 27, 2022
During my group interview with Barton Mallow, the HR representative said she couldn't think of anything to ask me because my name was "weird." When the hiring manager pressed her to ask me a question she asked me about my neighbor (based on my address on my resume.) Unprofessional.
Submitted by Raini Gilmore on Tuesday, Mar 13, 2018