Submitted by Robert Fedje on 05/19/2020
This is a great place to find affordable products! The staff is friendly and knowledgeable. They were easy to work with and our house looks great! We definitely recommend Floor trader over the box stores. They are locally owned and support the community. Highly recommend!
Rick was very helpful and helped me pick the perfect flooring. He helped with working with the installer.
Submitted by Lisa Miller on 06/11/2024
My husband and I worked with Dave at Floor Traders and we are absolutely thrilled with our carpets! We chose the carpet Dave recommended with the high-grade pad and we absolutely love it! He helped coordinate scheduling with the installer and was very quick to follow up every time I had a question or concern over several months as we were preparing for the installation. I would highly recommend Floor Traders of Billings. Our entire experience with Dave was outstanding!
Submitted by Brenda Buen-dahl on 06/07/2024
Used floor trader of Billings for our basement remodel after it flooded. Dave Waller, our salesmen was helpful in choosing the best product for our project. The installer they recommended Micheal Eardman did a great job installing the flooring.
Submitted by Cole Maki on 03/13/2024
Doug has provided with excellent service, product and quality at our office, as well as helping us in a pinch multiple times when we needed product for booths at home shows. Thanks Doug!!
Submitted by Riley Wegner on 10/03/2023
David, Adam, Doug, and Jackie are all great people! You can’t go wrong working with any of them at this store. Huge selection of products, and excellent service. I also love the larger than average displays / samples. It gives you a better idea of how the floor will look in your home!
Submitted by Joe Owens on 09/27/2023
We were working with a restoration company who had sent us to Billings Floor Traders to utilize as the flooring company to do the floors in our downstairs kitchen and living room. I will start out by saying this was one of the absolute worst experiences I have ever had with a company. From the first day after install I had noticed the floors lifting by the doors almost like the installers they had utilized had run the flooring up too tight against the walls. I was really hoping against my better knowledge that this would just take care of itself and they would settle. Well fast forward 9 months and due to improper install the floors looked like a tsunami in the pacific ocean. The flooring was wavy completely across lifting some places as much as an inch. It was borderline unsafe. We contacted our restoration company who reached out to Floor Traders to let them know there were problems with the floor that needed to be addressed and my wife was contacted by the store manager. The store manager of Floor Traders came out to look at the floor along with a salesman and they both agreed the flooring needed to be addressed asap. They said they would be in contact as soon as possible. We never heard anything back from them after weeks went on and after contacting the store manager he said the contractor that did the install was the one who was supposed to have reached out and contacted us. This went back and forth a couple times before we ever got an installer to come out and look at the floor (why as the store manager would you not contact your customer and verify that they had been followed thru with or where things were at in the process). Anyways, the original installer for Floor Traders finally came out months later at this point and confirmed that indeed the floors had been installed incorrectly in a couple of different ways. At this point while waiting we had gotten second opinions from a couple of other flooring installers and contractors as to why our flooring was doing what it was doing. Finally months and months later and still not having the flooring fixed the owner and the manager of Floor Traders came to look at our flooring. They told me that it would be an easy fix and they could even re-use the flooring (which I know in most cases when the flooring is installed right might be the case). They agreed on a new installer for the flooring and thanks to the company we used for the initial restoration process were able to get them scheduled to come out and start the mitigation of the flooring. A couple weeks later when they came and were able too look at the floor they knew right away there was absolute no way they were saving the flooring and they were indeed going to have to rip the entire flooring out of the main level of our home and start over again to correctly install the flooring. Fast forward a couple weeks and this is all complete and well. After 5 months, close to 6 flooring installers we dealt and talked with, close to no help from the manager of Flooring traders, and no help to the 25 years of knowledge of the owner of floor traders, we are finally thru this process. I trusted the manager of Floor Traders to know how to handle a customer situation when things don't always go as planned but I can't help but come out of this feeling like he was set on cutting corners and finding a installer that would band aid fix our flooring the way he thought it could be. The only good thing I can say from this whole nightmare experience is after I left a one star review the account manager reached out to me and was very apologetic about the whole thing. Unfortunately in a customer recovery situation where things don't go as planned this was just too late and I cant help but steer my family, friends, co-workers and anyone else looking for a good flooring company to work with, away from Billings Floor Trader. You can sell the best product in the world, but how you are treated after the fact and how the unseen is handled is just as important. Maybe these guys will figure that out in another 25 years.
Submitted by Tim Hofer on 09/26/2023
The staff at Floor Traders was good to work with. Nice product. Just don’t use their “recommended” installers. I don’t live in Billings and they sent me a hack. Nothing is his fault and he didn’t listen to how I wanted the bathroom trimmed out. He didn’t even have the quarter round or stair nose pieces ordered. Of course it wasn’t his fault. It took him a year, and me calling Floor Traders a lot, to get him to return. I finally had to get a manager involved. The installer took less than an hour to finish my stairs. After he argued with me about what I wanted to do with my bathroom, I finally told him to forget that part.
The stairs did not hold up. I am going to fix them myself because Floor Traders told me that they don’t handle installation complaints. Really!!! Now they tell me! Good thing there are videos on You Tube.
Submitted by L S on 09/24/2023
Get any agreement in writing. We had gone to Pierce flooring and gotten a price on flooring and have a written bid stating we would be able to return any unopened boxes. A friend suggested checking prices at Floor Traders. They lowered the price by a small amount and verbally agreed to match Pierce’s return policy. I made the mistake of believing they would follow through. They were very friendly at the time of the sale and agree to do exactly what Pierce would and then some by beating their price. So we decided to buy from them.
The flooring and glue they sold did not install well on stairs. So we had excess flooring left over. When we tried to return the unused flooring we were told there were to many boxes. We weren’t even asking for a refund on the glue or toe kicks for the stairs since that wasn’t in Pierces bid. We showed them the Pierce bid and asked them to recall the agreement. They said we cannot take flooring back in the quantity that Pierce can. There was no maximum amount on the bid that could be returned and they never said there would be with Floor Traders either. They were of no help on the problem with the product on the stairs either. So we are stuck with 700 square feet of flooring, glue and toe kicks that won’t work and cannot be returned. That’s about $3500 worth of flooring. Our original purchase was for 5,600 square feet. Pierce actually told us a large return is easier to sell then a small amount because it can cover a full room or two for someone looking for a deal. They made plenty of money off this sale and could’ve sold the remaining flooring easily as it is a high demand product. Instead they have lost a customer and securely pushed us back over to Pierce where we have never had a problem returning any unopened boxes. If this product would’ve worked on stairs as we were told it would when we were sold the glue and toe kicks to install it we would’ve only had 4 or 5 boxes left. But it doesn’t. We had to purchase a different product and install it on all 4 staircases.
I recommend dealing with the other flooring businesses in town and if you do risk buying here get everything in writing.
Submitted by Moose Living on 01/18/2018