Filed workers comp claim over a month ago, was told it takes 3 to 4 weeks to process....I'm still waiting for them to gather and review medical records. Called again today and they have no timeline for my missed pay due to the injury at work. How am I supposed to live without this back pay! What's the damn point of they aren't gonna process my claim! Their response...sorry but there's nothing they can do. Unacceptable!
Submitted by Wesley Bussey on Thursday, Jun 20, 2024
Was injured at work in late March , hurt my back. Had a pre existing condition. And was denied. This is by far the most criminal insurance in the country. Why do you guys even exist if you don't help people who have been injured because of work. Not only that it took months for my case to be reviewed. Save yourself some time and bills and just say you got hurt at home.
Submitted by Martin Yanish on Friday, Jun 09, 2023
My boy was in a rollover 3 years ago. He wasn't driving. Supposed to be taken care of with WSI. They claim that the Williston Ambulance service never did their part. So instead of going after them, they go after my son. After countless phone calls back and forth, he thought it was finally straightened out. He just got a call from this absolutely incompetent company again this morning.
Submitted by Archetypervb on Monday, Mar 13, 2023
I have had an ongoing claim with ND WSI since February of 2015. Their customer service is atrocious. As Time has gone on, they approve less and less, and deny more and more. My Dr at the pain management clinic are at a loss as to why everything they submit gets denied by ND WSI. I am left to deal with chronic pain 24/7 from a workplace injury caused by another co-worker. The accident was 100% the other employees fault, and yet I am left to deal with constant pain that at times is unbearable. ND WSI is the absolute worst agency I have ever had to deal with. I hope no one else ever had to deal with ND WSI but if you so, retain a lawyer immediately. ND WAI will play you like a fiddle and string you along until you get past the three to five year threshold where you can no longer Sue them for coverage.
Submitted by Michael Osten on Wednesday, Sep 14, 2022
I've been dealing with these guys on an injury that occurred at work. They have denied my claim after requesting incorrect information from one clinic and giving the other clinic about 2 weeks to access records from 12 years ago for a "prior injury". They didn't bother to call and check on the records they requested, I did that for them. I also sent off a request form for the correct information from the other clinic. And here we are almost 2 months later and they are still yanking me around, even with all of the doctor notes and nurses notes and rehab notes in their possession. They don't respond back when I call I have to hope I actually get through to my adjuster, cause the one time I just asked whoever answered they said I had to talk to my adjuster. Do your jobs, listen to the doctors and therapists seeing your patients and quit jacking people around, we have all lived lives prior to our current injuries and they have nothing to do with our current injuries!
Submitted by Kimmie D on Friday, Oct 08, 2021