Submitted by Robert Czeto on 06/12/2022
Great product to work with, excellent results. Still Plaster is the Best product I ever work with. Recommend it.
Great product and I would highly recommend for ANY project! Extremely happy with the results and install was so easy!
Submitted by Paul Ghatiey on 01/10/2023
I am very impressed by the commitment to ensure customer satisfaction!
Can't wait to try this product on my project!
Submitted by Kelly Mileur on 12/30/2022
Submitted by НА Форсаже! Usa on 05/02/2021
I absolutely love this product,zero odor,easy to apply,gorgeous finish,custemer service is 5stars.Highly recommended!
Submitted by Olga Albert on 02/02/2021
Submitted by David M on 01/30/2021
It so good idea. And looks good service also good
Submitted by Slavic Muratov on 12/13/2020
Submitted by Angel 2111 on 09/17/2020
Great Quality work! Recommend!!!
Submitted by Vladlozo1111 on 09/17/2020