Capital Adjustment was an absolute life saver that _made_ me money. During the middle of a busy season of work travel, a pipe in my house burst, and I didn't notice it for weeks. The damage was extensive, and I was at a complete loss about what to do. I had neither the time nor the talent for dealing with my homeowner's insurance. Furthermore, I fretted having to haggle with my insurance company over damages and payouts. I gave Ed from Capital Adjustment my trust, as I had no room in my schedule to spend time on the phone with the insurance company. And as it turns out, I didn't regret it one bit. Despite initially being stonewalled by the insurance adjusters, Ed was unrelenting, and ultimately _more than tripled_ the payout from the insurance company. There's no way I would have ever managed to do that on my own. Ed more than paid for his own efforts, and turned a truly miserable situation into one I can feel really good about. Call Capital Adjustment, you really have nothing to lose. Ed embodies integrity, and I am over the moon about what he did for me.
Submitted by Ben Waldher on Thursday, Jun 01, 2023
I had a great experience with Ed. My fire damage was assessed and communicated to my insurance in a seamless manner. He made the claim process simple and efficient. I recommend anyone who is in need of a public adjuster that will provide them great service to Capital Adjustment.
Submitted by Xuan Vu on Tuesday, Oct 19, 2021
Unfortunately, this has been a third go around using Capital Adjustment with serious issues in our home. Two days before Thanksgiving we came home from work to water dripping in the middle of our bedroom, through the ceiling fan all over our daughter's bed. I was beside myself. I knew more rain was coming, and we couldn't afford a new roof. We called Ed Babcock at Capital Adjustment and took care of the immediate problem, and made sure no more water would come in. He has been dealing with our insurance carrier and just advised me of a fantastic settlement. He is my hero. Thank you Capital Adjustment.
Submitted by Sheila on Thursday, Dec 13, 2018
Just awesome service! I had major water damage and called capital adjustment and Ed came over immediately. His professionalism in handling this claim was perfection. I was able to get my home back together in a timely matter. I highly recommend Capital Adjustment!!!!
Submitted by Bill Orr on Saturday, Nov 17, 2018
I called Capital Adjustment when I thought there might be hail damage to my roof after a storm came through in the spring. They came right out to inspect the roof and showed me the damage to the shingles. The best part about the ordeal was not having to deal with the insurance company. They assured me I would get compensation for the roof and "not to worry." After a few weeks the check was in the mail and I was able to put on a new roof. Thanks Capital Adjustment for your professionalism throughout, the process and easing my anxieties.
Submitted by Paul Pezick on Thursday, Nov 15, 2018