Submitted by Kris Mindrum on 06/23/2022
How can you not love this store!?
Wife goes to hobby lobby, I go to harbor freight, win win.
HF inside track membership is awesome with their discounts. The warranty protection plans make it even better in case you break something. Not name brand, but I don't need name brand. Quality on alot of the tools and stuff matches name brands anyway.
Owner no longer gives veterans a discount. I stead he makes an annual donation to the local veterans home
Submitted by Gabriel Morrison on 08/16/2024
Could have a few more employees around, but overall a decent store.
Submitted by Waylon Rader on 08/10/2024
Dads of world!!! Assemble!!! Listen, these are not top of the line tools, but if you are your homes handyman or a garage hobbiest, these tools are the right size and the right price for you, and will work for quite a while. Tools large and small for your next project. Staff is very friendly and helpful. Actually, my first stop for tools before I have to go to the the Depot of Homes.
Submitted by Coach Dave on 08/10/2024
I have got some really great tools and misc things here and have got some really cheap things too. Over all if you look at the reviews on the items that are important or pricey, they are pretty accurate. I love shopping the deals and just browsing the store, I have bought many useful and cool things this way.
Submitted by Duane Gray on 07/28/2024